memories, Theatre, Uncategorized

The Complete Opposite of Acting

*Originally published Oct 2021, on my old blog. Recently caught up with Felix and found out he's living relatively close to me (less than a 5 hr drive away)... So, decided to share some Felix memories again... I had a memory pop into my head this morning as I was driving to work. I do… Continue reading The Complete Opposite of Acting


1996 Quite a Year for Domestic Violent Movies… and a Domestic Violent Life

I mentally prepared, and I watched Fear on Netflix last night. I won't rehash the similarities/memories I get from that movie - please read those here if you haven't already. I hadn't watched that movie in the 8 years since I last wrote about it. Maja and I had toyed with the idea of trying… Continue reading 1996 Quite a Year for Domestic Violent Movies… and a Domestic Violent Life

Mental Health, Mom

Sure, Feel Like You’ve Had a Victory

I don't think I mentioned this at the time, but honestly, I don't remember for sure. What I do and do not post are a blur sometimes. Sometimes I fully intend to post something and then just don't have the time to write in the moment and the topic just... fades away eventually. Anyway, in… Continue reading Sure, Feel Like You’ve Had a Victory

Dane, David, Uncategorized

It’s You and Me, Dane

This week's therapy homework was to write about how a friendship with Dane serves me. We transitioned from trauma bonding to people I care/cared about in general and how hard it is to let go completely when I ever felt a real connection and/or really cared about someone... Even when I know they are bad… Continue reading It’s You and Me, Dane

David, Mental Health

Kinda Anti-Jantelagen of Me

This afternoon, I have my next therapy appointment, so I read over the "homework" related post I did last week called I want to hate you, to prepare. I re-read it thinking things like... would I really tell him I did MMA for a while? Would I want to tell him outright it made me… Continue reading Kinda Anti-Jantelagen of Me

David, Mental Health

I Want to Hate You

"Do you think it would be helpful" my Therapist asked in relation to if David and I were to ever have a conversation, to catch up, to attempt to make up, as it were. "No, I don't think so." It's a nice idea, I suppose. But it's nothing more than a fantasy. It would not… Continue reading I Want to Hate You

memories, Mental Health, Uncategorized, Wyatt

I Could Never Burn Winnie!

Speaking of my not private instagram... Last night, I received a message from a random guy on insta. He didn't appear to be a bot - due to having a lot of followers but not following hardly any others... and having several private posts. He liked and commented on a few pictures, followed me and… Continue reading I Could Never Burn Winnie!

David, Mental Health, Wyatt

Trauma Bond, the Jerk.

Okay, the initial shock has worn off from my last post in which I found that Wyatt had sent me a connection invite on Linkedin - thus he clearly saw my location and more recent work history at the very least. I waffled back and forth with just ignoring him altogether or messaging him to… Continue reading Trauma Bond, the Jerk.


Oh… Oh No…

Emma. You're a fucking idiot. For all the precautions I take online to hide from certain people... I know I'm not completely invisible, and it would be inevitable one day... but... Well, I updated my LinkedIn account a few days ago. Of course, my location and all that is on there. And of course, I… Continue reading Oh… Oh No…


Looking for Feedback, Please 🙏

Helloooo... I have a question to ask of you, my audience. I've decided to start working on my next book project again. In the past, I had started a few different ideas and gave up on them for lack of motivation or not liking how it was coming together. But I've had a new idea,… Continue reading Looking for Feedback, Please 🙏